Art (1945-contemporary)
Current amount
Ends in
6,000 EUR
6,600 USD
5,040 GBP
6,600 USD
5,040 GBP
11 days 02h:17m
Gaul, Winfred
Ohne Titel
Signed and inscribed "212" as well as with a direction arrow on the reverse
Oil crayon, 1961
Ohne Titel
Signed and inscribed "212" as well as with a direction arrow on the reverse
Oil crayon, 1961
1,980 EUR
2,178 USD
1,663 GBP
2,178 USD
1,663 GBP
11 days 02h:18m
15,000 EUR
16,500 USD
12,600 GBP
16,500 USD
12,600 GBP
11 days 02h:18m
14,000 EUR
15,400 USD
11,760 GBP
15,400 USD
11,760 GBP
11 days 02h:19m
12,000 EUR
13,200 USD
10,080 GBP
13,200 USD
10,080 GBP
11 days 02h:19m
Delaunay-Terk, Sonia
Rythme coloré
Lower right signed, dated and inscribed "No 662"
Gouache, 1958
Rythme coloré
Lower right signed, dated and inscribed "No 662"
Gouache, 1958
6,400 EUR
7,040 USD
5,376 GBP
7,040 USD
5,376 GBP
11 days 02h:20m
O'Donoghue, Hughie
Niobid. Ossaia and Sanguineto Study III
Signed, dated and titled on the reverse, as well as with inscriptions and labels
Oil on canvas, 1999
Niobid. Ossaia and Sanguineto Study III
Signed, dated and titled on the reverse, as well as with inscriptions and labels
Oil on canvas, 1999
7,000 EUR
7,700 USD
5,880 GBP
7,700 USD
5,880 GBP
11 days 02h:21m
5,400 EUR
5,940 USD
4,536 GBP
5,940 USD
4,536 GBP
11 days 02h:21m
Saint Phalle, Niki de
La fontaine aux quatre nanas
• Niki de Saint Phalle's "Nanas" are her signature pieces that earned her international recognition
Multiple, 1980
La fontaine aux quatre nanas
• Niki de Saint Phalle's "Nanas" are her signature pieces that earned her international recognition
Multiple, 1980
12,000 EUR
13,200 USD
10,080 GBP
13,200 USD
10,080 GBP
11 days 02h:22m
Jin, Guo
Verzeichnis der Helden des 20. Jahrhunderts: Soldat Qiu Shaoyun (aus der Serie "Child's Face")
Signed and dated in bottom center
Oil on canvas, 2001
Verzeichnis der Helden des 20. Jahrhunderts: Soldat Qiu Shaoyun (aus der Serie "Child's Face")
Signed and dated in bottom center
Oil on canvas, 2001
1,800 EUR
1,980 USD
1,512 GBP
1,980 USD
1,512 GBP
11 days 02h:23m
1,800 EUR
1,980 USD
1,512 GBP
1,980 USD
1,512 GBP
11 days 02h:24m
Jin, Guo
Verzeichnis der Helden des 20. Jahrhunderts: Feldmarschall (aus der Serie "Child's Face")
Signed and dated in lower right
Oil on canvas, 2001
Verzeichnis der Helden des 20. Jahrhunderts: Feldmarschall (aus der Serie "Child's Face")
Signed and dated in lower right
Oil on canvas, 2001
1,800 EUR
1,980 USD
1,512 GBP
1,980 USD
1,512 GBP
11 days 02h:24m
3,600 EUR
3,960 USD
3,024 GBP
3,960 USD
3,024 GBP
11 days 02h:25m
7,400 EUR
8,140 USD
6,216 GBP
8,140 USD
6,216 GBP
11 days 02h:26m
3,600 EUR
3,960 USD
3,024 GBP
3,960 USD
3,024 GBP
11 days 02h:26m
Cavael, Rolf
No 69/Mi2
Verso signed and inscribed with the work number "N° 69 Mi 2"
Oil on canvas, 1969
No 69/Mi2
Verso signed and inscribed with the work number "N° 69 Mi 2"
Oil on canvas, 1969
3,250 EUR
3,575 USD
2,730 GBP
3,575 USD
2,730 GBP
11 days 02h:27m
4,500 EUR
4,950 USD
3,780 GBP
4,950 USD
3,780 GBP
11 days 02h:28m
7,200 EUR
7,920 USD
6,048 GBP
7,920 USD
6,048 GBP
11 days 02h:28m
3,600 EUR
3,960 USD
3,024 GBP
3,960 USD
3,024 GBP
11 days 02h:29m
2,000 EUR
2,200 USD
1,680 GBP
2,200 USD
1,680 GBP
11 days 02h:31m
12,000 EUR
13,200 USD
10,080 GBP
13,200 USD
10,080 GBP
11 days 02h:31m
7,000 EUR
7,700 USD
5,880 GBP
7,700 USD
5,880 GBP
11 days 02h:32m
Knoebel, Imi
Ohne Titel (Drachenserie)
Lower left signed and dated, with the artist's stamp and the Schoellershammer blindstamp
Mixed media, 1980
Ohne Titel (Drachenserie)
Lower left signed and dated, with the artist's stamp and the Schoellershammer blindstamp
Mixed media, 1980
7,000 EUR
7,700 USD
5,880 GBP
7,700 USD
5,880 GBP
11 days 02h:32m
6,000 EUR
6,600 USD
5,040 GBP
6,600 USD
5,040 GBP
11 days 02h:33m
8,000 EUR
8,800 USD
6,720 GBP
8,800 USD
6,720 GBP
11 days 02h:33m
7,000 EUR
7,700 USD
5,880 GBP
7,700 USD
5,880 GBP
11 days 02h:34m
3,600 EUR
3,960 USD
3,024 GBP
3,960 USD
3,024 GBP
11 days 02h:34m
1,800 EUR
1,980 USD
1,512 GBP
1,980 USD
1,512 GBP
11 days 02h:35m