Art (1945-contemporary) > Figurative Painting (70s - contemporary) Emy Roeder - Biography
Drei Kühe im Stall. 1967.
Not in Gerke any longer. Lower left with the monogram. 35 x 31.4 x 6 cm (13.7 x 12.3 x 2.3 in). [CH].
• Emy Roeder is one of the most important female German sculptors of the 20th century.
• She was already represented at the first documenta with a wooden sculpture.
• One of her sculptures was part of the spectacular excavation of “Degenerate Art” at the Rotes Rathaus, Berlin, in 2010.
• Rarity: the only copy of this bronze relief offered on the international auction market to date (source:
• In 2020, the Georg Kolbe Museum in Berlin honored the artist with the exhibition “Emy Roeder. Das Kosmische allen Seins”.
PROVENANCE: Private collection, North Rhine-Westphalia (gift from the artist, since then in family ownership).
EXHIBITION: Emy Roeder, Städtische Galerie Würzburg, October 1969 to February 1970, cat. no. 38 (different copy).
Emy Roeder, Bildwerke - Handzeichnungen, exhibition at the Städtische Galerie Würzburg, July 5 to August 30, 1981, cat. no. 63 (different copy).
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