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Art (1945-contemporary) > Informal Winfred Gaul - Biography

Winfred Gaul - Oil on canvas

Starting bid:
6,000 EUR

6,000 EUR

Item location:
Object number:
Munich, Germany

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6,000 EUR
11-15-24 15:29:00 Berlin
11-15-24 09:29:00 New York
11-15-24 06:29:00 Los Angeles
(30 days, 13h:57m)

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within the EU countries 152,29 €,
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Ohne Titel (1-4-58-2). 1958.
Oil on canvas.
Signed in the lower left. Dated and numbered “1-4-58-2” on the reverse, inscribed with a direction arrow and with the artist's name and address in handwriting. 95 x 80 cm (37.4 x 31.4 in).

• Winfred Gaul is one of the protagonists of German Informalism.
• He showed his paintings as early as in documenta II.
• Works by the artist can be found in, among others, the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, and the Museum Ludwig, Cologne

PROVENANCE: Prof. O. H. Hajek Collection, Stuttgart.
Private collection Southern Germany.

LITERATURE: Winfred Gaul, catalogue raisonné vol. I 1949-1961, Gemälde und Arbeiten auf Papier, Düsseldorf 1991, no. G 148 (illu.).

In good condition. With craquelure in places. Upper right with a small rubbing with unobtrusive losses of color. Small brown spots in lower left, probably from the making. The condition report was compiled in daylight with the help of an ultraviolet light and to the best of knowledge.
For information concerning the condition, please view the high resolution image / backside image.

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